Benefits of a regular investment plan.

3 min readApr 25, 2020


The main reason that anyone chooses to make an investment is to accomplish their future financial goals. However, making a large investment can be difficult; it will require a lot of money, which is not available to everyone. The solution to this problem is a regular investment plan that allows you to make affordable investments over time. And if you’re looking for a good systematic investment plan, you could consider investment-linked plan offered by Life Insurance Companies as well!

Investment is usually described as a way to amplify your wealth & fulfil financial life goals. It is essentially allowing your money to work for you. But what if you do not have a large amount of cash to invest? In such a scenario, a monthly investment plan is a more suitable option. Here are the benefits of a regular investment plan:


You don’t need a large amount of capital in order to start building a nest egg through investments. With a regular investment plan, you can decide how much to invest based on your personal financial situation. You can set aside a fixed amount of money every month and put that money into blue-chip stocks, exchange-traded funds, etc. listed on global markets to build your -portfolio.

Achieve your goals, one month at a time.

Slow and steady wins the race — an age old anecdote that stands true when it comes to investments too! With a monthly investment plan, you can achieve any goal; you just have to ensure your monthly payments are on time. And with every payment, you inch closer to that new car, covering your child’s education costs and any other goals you want to achieve.

Automated and hassle-free

Most investment plans will allow you choose where your money is invested. Some will even help you choose the right sub-funds based on your needs. In any case, your involvement is minimal. You just have to decide on the amount you want to invest every month. After this, the payments will be automated and you just have to sit back and watch your investments grow!

Investment linked insurance plans.

Did you know that your life insurance policy can double up as a great investment tool as well? You can opt for investment-linked plans .An investment linked plan will enable you and/or your family to achieve an investment goal over a period of time, like planning for your kids education.

An investment-linked plan will also invest and potentially grow your money in order to achieve your financial goals. These plans also allow you to choose from multiple portfolios made up of diverse funds and are crafted to suit varying levels of return expectations, risk appetites and time horizons.

Investment linked life insurance plans are of two kinds, single payment plans and regular payment plans. Regular payments allow you to make periodic premium payments and help you build funds over time, perfect for those interested in a month investment plan. Did we mention they also provide life insurance cover? It’s a win-win, right!

Hope this has been helpful, good luck and all the best!

